Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rabbit Hole

Dianne Weist's character's house number is 6923.

Pic to follow

Stranger Than Fiction

From IMDB: Dustin Hoffman's character (Professor Hilbert) creates a questionnaire of 23 items forWill Ferrell's character (Harold Crick). Professor David Hilbert, the German mathematician, proposed a famous list 23 problems at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900. Hilbert's problems became so famous that they are typically referred to by number among mathematicians and philosophers and several are still unanswered.

Diary of the Dead

Doesnt really count, but it was filmed over 23 days. This movie is so shitty, I don't even want to bother to look for a 23. If anyone knows of one, let me know.