Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Goods

"Remember when I told you I partied with that beauty queen 23 years ago in Temeculah?"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

According to my cousin Cait, "Decree #23 allows Umbridge to fire Prof. Trelawny".

I'm taking her word for it, as I would never subject myself to a Harry Potter movie.

Thanks, Caitikens!

The Fugitive

Brad wrote to me: So glad we aren't the only ones! Thanks Brad!

"I was watching "The Fugitive" late the other nite, and towards the end when Dr Kimble (Harrison ford) is in the train, he is spotted by a police officer. The officer says into his mike, "This is Unit 23..I have a positive id on the suspect" or something close to that.
I am glad someone is putting together a list. I see #23 in close to every movie. "

So glad we aren't the only ones! Thanks Brad!

Grown Ups

in the first scene, Adam Sandler's character as a child is playing basketball; his jersey number is 23.

Thanks Josh!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Clockwork Orange

I found this info on Lostpedia, concerning "Room 23". Next time I watch CO I'll try to get a screenshot, but knowing Lost fans it's definitely true:

The video from Room 23 is an reference to the Ludovico technique, a fictitious type of aversion conditioning used in A Clockwork Orange. With this technique, the subject is medicated with a pro-nauseate drug and forced to watch a movie with disturbing images and loud music, thereby associating violent ideas with the sensation of being ill. Additionally, Alex's room number in the prison where he is held before being removed for the Ludovico Technique is 23.

Bond 23

According to IMDB, the new Bond film will be called BOND 23.

So cool.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


After Michael watches the second disc, the timestamp reads 7:23.